Tomoaki okaniwa
The Designer studied fine art and oil-painting in Tokyo Zoukei University. He started The Viridi-Anne in 2001.
Juan Kruz is an internationally renowned contemporary dancer and also as choreographer / director based in Berlin. DUELLUM begin with the chance of designing and creating the costumes for his private work "III", and the concept of costumers was based on the idea of "the individuality created by the coexistence of two sides of human beings", which I get the inspiration from Juan Kruz himself. Two or more different parts are finally joined together by hand to form a new personality and end as DUELLUM.
ベルリンをベースに世界的に活躍するコンテンポラリーダンサー・振付師・演出家 Juan Kruz(ホアン・クルス)氏。彼のプライベート作品「 III 」の衣装デザイン及び制作を岡庭が担当したことから着想し、Juanの作品から感じた「人間の中にある二面性が共存することで作られる個性」をテーマにスタートしたレーベルがDUELLUMである。